The series of intervened photos Strangers, part of the solo exhibition "Space of Possibility" presented at LITE-HAUS Gallery in July 2020, offered an insightful glimpse into my doctoral thesis. In this series, I showcased strange figures—faceless, anonymous characters that seem to be on the verge of disappearing. Their pasts, histories, and genealogies are revealed through their clothing and the ambiance of the pictures, guiding viewers to uncover the stories each figure wishes to tell. These figures represent the people-in-transit who have been forcibly displaced from their homes and are compelled to start anew in unfamiliar places. In doing so, they leave behind their pasts, histories, and identities, embarking on a journey of internal and external transformation in unknown territories. This journey is both a physical and emotional one, where the process of shedding their old lives and adapting to new surroundings becomes a pivotal experience.

On a ritualistic level, I connected this transformation process with the concept of Liminality in my initial reflections. People-in-transit become strangers in new lands, while simultaneously, their sense of identity and belonging in their home countries is challenged and often disrupted. This conflict between identity and belonging underscores the profound impact of their displacement. It highlights the transitional phase these individuals undergo, navigating the complexities of losing their former identities while attempting to establish new ones. Through these faceless figures, the exhibition explores the narrative of displacement and the search for self amidst uncertainty.